

Bathurst Gardeners’ Club Inc. was formed in 1990.  It is open to all people who are interested in gardens and gardening- you don’t have to be an expert or have a championship garden to be a member.   We are affiliated with the Garden Clubs of Australia Inc.

For many years the club has been involved in community projects.  In 2010 and 2012 the club was awarded The Eleanor McLeod Award from Garden Clubs of Australia “For Outstanding Service by an Affiliated Club to the Community”.

Meetings are held on the first Sunday of each month, generally commencing at 2pm.  From September to May the meetings are held in outdoor venues – mostly in gardens – and we make them as varied and interesting as possible.  For out of town meetings members are encouraged to car pool.  During the winter months, the meetings move indoors, generally with a guest speaker.

At the end of the meetings, we enjoy a cuppa provided by the Club, with members being asked to bring a plate to share. During this time we swap plant cuttings, check out the seed bank, swap gardening ideas, endeavour to solve gardening problems and run a raffle to supplement Club funds.  Members are asked to wear name badges at meetings.  Gardeners’ Club name badges are available from 58 George.

The Club aims to have one overnight trip a year and at least one day trip to areas of interest to gardeners. An informative newsletter is sent to members every second month.

The Annual General Meeting is held in December to elect our committee members. Our annual fees are due at the December meeting. The fee is $20 per person. There is also an initial joining fee of $5per person. Thus for new members, the first year’s fees are $25 per person.

Discounts on plants and garden supplies are available to members from several local nurseries/garden equipment suppliers (conditions apply).

Unfortunately, children under 18 years of age are unable to attend meetings or participate in Club outings, as they cannot be covered by our public risk insurance policy.


(a)  To develop and coordinate the horticultural-related education of members, or other kindred organisations.  To bring them into closer relationship for mutual knowledge by education through association, meeting, excursions, correspondence and publications.

(b)  To educate the members in the protection and conservation of our natural resources.

(c)  To study the fine art of gardening in all its aspects.

(d)  To encourage civic beauty.

(e)  To cooperate with other agencies furthering the interests of horticulture and conservation.

(f)  To give donations to charities, town beautification or any other project from time to time as determined by the committee and club members.

(g)  The club is a not for profit organisation.  The assets and income of the club shall be applied solely in furtherance of the above mentioned objectives and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the club except as bonafide compensation for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the club.

November Meeting – Sunday 3rd November 2024 at 2.00pm.   41 Ridgeview Close, Blue Ridge.

 Please bring your cup and a plate of delicious food to share.